workshops Programme

AFSA2024 consists of workshops, conference, AFSA annual general meeting (AGM), Umuganda Community Work, and social events. See the full workshop programme below.

Please register to attend and also participate to give input and share your expertise.

Note that the number of delegates per workshop is limited and registration will be processed on a first come first serve basis.

Workshop Programme - Preliminary

The detailed workshop programme is below. Titles are indicated for confirmed workshops. Over time, as workshops are confirmed their titles will be added to this programme. Note that you can register for the conference and afterwards register for workshops as they become available.

Time Room A Room B Room C
Monday 23 Sep 2024
(4 hours)
Workshop WS1
The Trace in Forensic Science

Presenters: Prof Claude ROUX (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) & Presenter: Prof Michelle MIRANDA (Farmingdale State College, State University of New York) & Manon Chabert (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)

Format: Presentation & Interactive Discussion

⚠️Free to all attendees

(2 hours)
Workshop WS2
Forensic Science Ecosystem in Africa

Presenters: Prof Mehdi BEN KHELIL (AFSA, Kigali & Tunisia) & Dr Antonel OLCKERS (AFSA, Kigali & South Africa)

Format: Presentation & Interactive Discussion

⚠️Free to all attendees

(2 hours)
Workshop WS3
Young h6rofessionals in forensic science

Presenters & Panel Convenors: Dr Marise HEYNS (University of Ulster, UK & formerly University of Cape Town, ZA)

Format: Panel & Discussion

Workshop WS4
Unraveling New Psychoactive Substances: Forensic Insights and Global Collaboration

Presenter: Prof Heesun CHUNG (SungKyunKwan University, South Korea), Ms Yen Ling WONG (UNODC, Austria)

Format: Presentationn

Workshop WS5
Quality Management: what it means for you and me (Part A)

Presenter: Mrs Anna DAVEY (Forensic Foundations, Australia)

Format: Presentation & Discussion

Tuesday 24 Sep 2024
(4 hours)
Workshop WS6
Frugal Forensics

Presenter: Prof Yanko KOLEV (Medical University of Pleven, Bulgaria)

Format: Presentation & Interactive Discussion

Workshop WS7
Digital Forensics

Presenters: Prof Lena KLASéN (Linköping University Sweden) & Dr Niclas FOCK (AI Sweden, Linköping University, Sweden)

Format: Presentation & Discussion

Workshop WS8


(2 hours)
Workshop WS9
Education and training key priorities in Africa

Presenter: Dr Marise HEYNS (University of Ulster, UK & formerly University of Cape Town, ZA)

Format: Panel & Discussion

Workshop WS10
Quality Management: what it means for you and me (Part B)

Presenter: Mrs Anna DAVEY (Forensic Foundations, Australia)

Format: Presentation & Discussion

Workshop WS11
Publishing in Africa

Presenters: Dr Antonel OLCKERS (AFSA, Kigali & South Africa) & Prof Mehdi BEN KHELIL (AFSA, Kigali & Tunisia)

Format: Panel & Discussion

Please note that workshops WS1 and WS2 are included in all registration fees and thus open to all attendees. Registration is still required for each of the workshops.
To register ONLY for a workshop click on the “Register for Workshops” button on the top right hand corner of the website.

Workshops Registration Fees

⚠️Please note that ALL fees are listed in US dollar (USD).

Category Date A* B* C* D*
Members Early 20 30 40 50
Regular 30 40 50 60
Late & on site 40 50 60 70
Non Members Early 30 40 50 60
Regular 40 50 60 70
Late & on site 50 60 70 80
Students (Members) Free Entry
Students (Non Members) Early 10 10 10 10
World by Income country classification

To see under which category your country lies please visit World Bank, 2022 guidelines: World by Income country classification

*A: Low, B: Low Middle, C: Upper Middle, D: High income