Sponsor Opportunities

Sponsors are invited to partner with us to get their message to reach hundreds of professionals. Sponsors can choose any opportunity from the list below. When a list of sponsors is shown during the conference all sponsors will be acknowledged for their specific sponsorship.

We rely on sponsors to make the conference affordable to attendees. There are several sponsorship opportunities listed below, and sponsorship will be available on a first come first served basis. The sponsorship / exhibitor prospectus outlines all the sponsorship opportunities.

Sponsors who wish to make a donation to AFSA2024 should please contact the organising committee.

AFSA2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

Download Prospectus
  • Top experts in the field were invited to the AFSA2024 inaugural conference. If you wish to sponsor a keynote speaker please contact the organising committee at events [at] AFSA.Africa to discuss this opportunity in detail.

    Prior to the keynote address of the sponsored speaker the sponsor will be acknowledged by the moderator of the session.

    Fifteen sponsorship opportunities are available and vendors will be able to choose which speaker they wish to sponsor.

    A flat rate per speaker applies, regardless of where the speaker resides.

    Sponsorship amount: 3,800 USD

  • We allow students to attend the conference and workshops at minimal cost. Despite this most students are not able to fund themselves to attend a conference of this nature. This is unfortunate as it is they who will make progress in our field in the future and need to be up to date with the latest developments in the field. AFSA2024 thus requests full sponsorship for a student for the indicated amount which will cover travel (return airfare ticket), accommodation, conference attendance, workshop attendance, as well as a small stipend of about 12 USD per day. There is no limit to the number of students you are allowed to sponsor. Maximum recognition will be given to sponsors

    Sponsorship amount: 2,675 USD

  • The opening cocktail event will be hosted in the premier glass foyer of the Kigali Convention Centre. It is scheduled on Tuesday evening, 24th of September at 18:00.

    In the same foyer, formal registration of the conference opens prior to the start of the welcome cocktail and vendors will have their booths already set up. The opening cocktail is thus the key event that will bring together delegates, attendees, exhibitors, sponsors and honorary guests for the first time.

    Sponsorship amount: 28,000 USD

  • The Gala Dinner held on the evening of Friday 27 September 2024 will be the official closing event of the inaugural AFSA2024 conference. This premier event will showcase not only the handing out of prizes but also include a traditional vibrant cultural dance session.

    Sponsorship amount: 36,500 USD

  • Workshops are an essential component of AFSA2024 and will be hosted to enhance knowledge and skills transfer. Students will attend free of charge and others will pay a modest fee to encourage participation in order to advance training and education goals within our African ecosystem. For this reason, we also offer sponsorship opportunities that enable us to host these workshops. This is a key priority for AFSA2024 and we trust that the support of our sponsors will make this possible. This sponsorship is available for each of the 11 workshops

    Sponsorship amount: 5,000 USD

  • Tea breaks - including tea, coffee or juice as well as snacks - will be served in the premier glass foyer of the KCC, where vendors have their exhibition booths.

    Six sponsorship opportunities are available and sponsors will be able to choose which day and time (AM vs PM) they wish to sponsor a tea break. Sponsorship preference will be accommodated on a first come first served basis.

    Sponsorship amount per tea break: 7,150 USD

  • Sponsorship for lunch includes a full sit down lunch for all delegates at one of the premier restaurants in the Radisson Blu hotel next to the Kigali Convention Centre (KCC). Lunch is served in the Larder, which is easily accessible from the conference venue.

    Three sponsorship opportunities are available and sponsors will be able to choose which day they wish to sponsor a lunch, on a first come first served basis.

    Sponsorship amount per lunch break: 15,000 USD

  • The AFSA2024 conference bag is made from Kitenge material which is colourful and reflects the vibrancy of Rwanda. The bags are made from durable material with sturdy handles that will last over time. Bags will be made from various colours of material to showcase an array of local designs. Delegates will be able to choose from two designs on a first come first serve basis. This bag will be branded with the logo of the sponsor

    Any unused bag will be donated to a local student (university or school) in Rwanda.

    Sponsorship amount: 5,820 USD

  • Sponsorship is available for the official conference booklet.

    One sponsor will have the full back page of the conference booklet available to them.

    Other sponsors may have a half page of their advertisements placed within the booklet as space allows. The layout of the specific advertisement is at the discretion of the organising committee.

    Other sponsors may have a quarter of a page of their advertisements placed within the booklet as space allows. The layout of the specific advertisement is at the discretion of the organising committee.

    Colour Black & White
    Full back page 2,500 USD 1,500 USD
    Half page inside 1,000 USD 500 USD
    Quarter page inside 500 USD 250 USD
  • Sponsors may choose to have their promotional material distributed to all attendees by having it placed into their official conference bag.

    Sponsors who wish to use this opportunity have to provide AFSA with 550 printed copies of their material no later than 30 August 2024.

    Promotional material can be printed in Kigali from PDF versions supplied by sponsors, at the cost of the sponsors. The cost for printing dependent on size, number of pages and colours used.

    Sponsorship amount for placing in conference bag: 500 USD

  • During the conference, delegates will have access to Wi-Fi. This Wi-Fi service may be sponsored and the sponsor will be acknowledged.

    Sponsorship amount: 2,800 USD

  • This is an opportunity to reach professionals on all our platforms (linkedin & twitter) with your message under the AFSA2024 banner.

    Content should be provided in text (160-character limit). Instead of the text a graphic may also be provided.

    AFSA will distribute this post on our social media platforms at least once per week prior to the conference, from the day the sponsorship is activated thus registered and paid.

    Sponsorship amount: 1,000 USD