AFSA2024 Conference Registration

There are two ways to register for the conference

  • Register directly by clicking the Register Now button at the top, or
  • Join AFSA as a member first, then register, to unlock discounted registration fees for the conference and workshops.

When registering with the Register Now button, click in the conference grid on the fee that is applicable to you. This fee is based on AFSA membership status as well as your country of residence. .

PLEASE NOTE that when you register for the conference you will be prompted to also register for the workshops. See the Workshop Programme for detailed information.

Workshops are being confirmed and you can register for specific workshops in two ways. When clicking on the workshop registration button, please select the workshop fee that is applicable to you.

  • Register for workshops at the same time as registering for the conference (and membership)
  • Register after your conference registration

Conference Registration fees

Note that all fees are listed in US dollar (USD).

Category Date A* B* C* D*
Members Early 100 200 300 400
Regular 150 250 350 450
Late & on site 200 300 400 500
Non Members Early 200 300 400 500
Regular 250 350 450 550
Late & on site 300 400 500 600
Guest (spouse) All 50 75 125 175
Students (Members) Free Entry
Students (Non Members) Early 20 30 40 50
Regular 30 40 50 60
Late & on site 40 50 60 70
World by Income country classification

To see under which category your country lies please visit World Bank, 2022 guidelines: World by Income country classification

*A: Low, B: Low Middle, C: Upper Middle, D: High income