Rwanda Forensic Institute

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About RFI

The Rwanda Forensic Institute (RFI) was established by the Presidential Order N° 049/01 of 02108/2023 to support the judicial system. The main mission of Rwanda Forensic Institute is to provide forensic science services: it conducts scientific analysis of evidence for judicial purposes and services requested by individuals or other institutions and organisations whether inside or outside the country. Moreover, RFI aspires to be a regional hub in forensic science championing excellence in forensic services, training, and research. For further information on the RFI please visit us at

RFI Vision

To build and develop an internationally recognized forensic laboratory system that provides timely and highest possible quality forensic science services which effectively meet the needs of the criminal justice community for fair administration of justice.

RFI Mission

Rwanda Forensic Institute has the overall mission of providing its clients with services of conducting scientific analysis of evidence for judicial purposes and services requested by individuals or other institutions and organizations whether inside or outside the country. It also has the mission of financial self-sustenance and contribution to the public treasury.

RFI Core Values

The core values of the Rwanda Forensic Institute are:

  • Integrity
  • Impartiality
  • Professionalism
  • Excellence
  • Collaboration