Exhibitor​ Registration

Exhibitor and sponsorship information is contained in the Exhibitor Prospectus. In this prospectus the map of the Kigali Convention Centre (KCC), the layout and map of the booths are available. The categories for different exhibitors are listed below for all levels from Regular to Platinum sponsors.

Exhibitor & Sponsor Categories​

25,000 USD
  • Free registration ticket to 6 representatives of your company.
  • 9m (width) x 2m (depth) stands with optimal placement for exhibition during three days of the conference
  • Repeated mentions during AFSA2024 as premier partner
  • Sponsor recognition at start of sessions (including plenary)
  • Optimal placement on all adverts
  • Opportunity to share your branding materials to the participants
  • Maximum visibility through all branding promotional materials of AFSA2024
  • Opportunity to have logo shown during poster presentations (electronic poster format)
  • Mentions during opening and closing ceremony
  • Opportunity to speak on stage for 2 minutes to hundreds of AFSA2024 attendees about your brand products and services
  • 3 weekly social media posts by AFSA2024
  • Others can be discussed.
15,000 USD
  • Free registration ticket to 4 representatives of your company.
  • 6m (width) x 2m (depth) stands for exhibition during three days of the conference
  • Repeated mentions during AFSA2024
  • Sponsor recognition at start of sessions (including plenary)
  • Appearance on all adverts
  • Opportunity to share your branding materials to the participants
  • Visibility through all branding promotional materials of AFSA2024
  • Opportunity to have logo shown during poster presentations (electronic poster format)
  • 2 weekly media posts by AFSA2024
  • Others can be discussed.
10,000 USD
  • Free registration ticket to 3 representatives of your company.
  • 3m (width) x 2m (depth) stand for exhibition during three days of the conference.
  • Mentions during AFSA2024
  • Sponsor recognition at start of sessions (including plenary)
  • Appearance on all adverts
  • Opportunity to share your branding materials to the participants
  • Visibility through selected branding promotional materials of AFSA2024
  • 1 weekly social media posts by AFSA2024
  • Others can be discussed.
5,000 USD
  • Free registration ticket to 2 representatives of your company.
  • 3m (width) x 2m (depth) stand for exhibition during three days of the conference.
  • Mentions during AFSA2024
  • Sponsor recognition at start of sessions (including plenary)
  • Appearance on all adverts
  • Opportunity to share your branding materials to the participants
  • Visibility of logo on promotional materials
  • 2 social media posts by AFSA2024
3,000 USD
  • Free registration ticket to 1 representatives of your company.
  • 3m (width) x 2m (depth) stand for exhibition during three days of the conference.
  • Mentions during AFSA2024
  • Sponsor recognition at start of sessions (including plenary)
  • Appearance on all adverts
  • Opportunity to share your branding materials to the participants
  • 1 social media post by AFSA2024

⚠️Please note that all prices are in USD.