AFSA 2024 Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

AFSA2024 is honoured to host the following prominent forensic science professionals from Africa and the rest of the world as our keynote speakers.

Dr Antonel OLCKERS - AFSA2024
Dr Antonel OLCKERS
AFSA President

Prof Mehdi BEN KHELIL - AFSA2024
AFSA Vice-President

Dr Charles KARANGWA - AFSA2024
RFI Director General

Prof Yanko KOLEV - AFSA2024
Prof Yanko KOLEV

3D Surface Scanning and Other Imaging Techniques in Crime Scene and Medico-Legal Investigations

Prof Michelle MIRANDA  - AFSA2024
Prof Michelle MIRANDA
United States of America

Dr Norah RUDIN - AFSA2024
Dr Norah RUDIN
United States of America

The State of Forensic Science

Prof Lena Klasén - AFSA2024
Prof Lena Klasén

Challenges and Possibilities Artificial Intelligence in Digital Forensics

Prof Heesun CHUNG - AFSA2024
Prof Heesun CHUNG
South Korea

Surpassing Human Limits: AI-Driven Innovations in Forensic Toxicology and Other Forensic Fields

Prof Claude ROUX - AFSA2024
Prof Claude ROUX

Crafting Quality for Africa using Forensic Science Fundamental Principles

Mr Anthony WALLY - AFSA2024
Mr Anthony WALLY


Mr Stephen FONSECA - AFSA2024
Mr Stephen FONSECA
South Africa

Humanitarian Forensics in Africa: Where Forensic Science and Humanities Converge

Prof Christopher THOMPSON - AFSA2024
Prof Christopher THOMPSON
United States of America

Forensic Psychiatry in the 21st Century: Adapting in the Face of New Technologies

Dr Uwom EZE - AFSA2024
Dr Uwom EZE

Forensic Sciences in Africa: Seeking a Pathway on the Fringes of the Highway

Dr Patricia KOM - AFSA2024
Dr Patricia KOM

The Practice of Legal Medicine in Cameroon. Situational analysis, limits and difficulties faced.

Mr Kermit Brooks CHANNELL II - AFSA2024
Mr Kermit Brooks CHANNELL II
United States of America

Kenyan Leadership Prioritizes Management and Leadership Training guided by ASCLD-Based Modules