AFSA 2024

Forensic Science Ecosystem in Africa

About AFSA2024

The AFSA2024 international conference will bring together forensic science practitioners and stakeholders from across Africa and the globe, to discuss the ecosystem of forensic science in Africa.

Meet our Keynote Speakers

Welcome messages

President of AFSA - Dr Antonel OLCKERS

Dr Antonel OLCKERS

President AFSA IE

Dear Delegates, Partners and Sponsors,

It is my privilege to welcome you to our inaugural AFSA conference, AFSA2024, in the beautiful city of Kigali, Rwanda, where our AFSA office is based. At the time of the conference AFSA will celebrate its 18th month of existence and we look forward to celebrating this milestone with you in Kigali.

We are honoured to host our inaugural conference together with the Rwanda Forensic Institute (RFI), our hosting organisation in Rwanda, and our gratitude goes to the RFI and the Rwanda Government for their incredible support that made this conference possible.

The conference theme is: “Forensic Science Ecosystem in Africa”. We recognise that the ecosystem is not clearly defined nor is it universally understood by all its stakeholders. It is essential to acknowledge that “the trace” in forensic science starts at the crime scene and that our ecosystem includes all those who interact with the trace.

AFSA chose to take a step back at our inaugural conference to lay down the foundational principles of the forensic science ecosystem in Africa. This will put AFSA on the path to contribute to a coherent, impactful, and relevant forensic science ecosystem in Africa with optimal stakeholder awareness and commitment.

In staying true to our core AFSA values, we have strategically expanded AFSA2024 beyond just a conference by incorporating two days of workshops into the programme as well as a social responsibility component. We invite you to join these workshops to not only enhance your own knowledge and skills but to also engage in constructive discussions. The workshops will be complimentary to AFSA student members, and we encourage our senior colleagues to share their expertise and to facilitate knowledge transfer during the workshops.

We thank our sponsors, exhibitors and donors whose generous support is essential for the success of this conference. Your active participation demonstrates your commitment to nurture our forensic science ecosystem in Africa.

While you are visiting Rwanda, we hope that you will take the opportunity to explore the beautiful country of a thousand hills. Its wildlife and beauty are exceptional, and there is much to enjoy!

We welcome all our African and International colleagues to Kigali and trust that you will gain valuable insights into your respective fields of practice, as well as the interdisciplinary aspects inherent in the ecosystem within which we operate.

Welcome to Kigali for our inaugural AFSA conference!

Director General of RFI - Dr Charles KABERA


Director General RFI

Dear Delegates and Partners,

On behalf of the Rwanda Forensic Institute (RFI), I am honoured to welcome you to the first AFSA Conference.

After almost 20 years of tireless development as a laboratory providing forensic science services, in 2023, RFI has moved to a new level including more services and extending its mission to training and research aspects. In this thrilling context, RFI is proud to host the AFSA2024 International Conference in collaboration with the African Forensic Sciences Academy (AFSA).

RFI and AFSA share the same perspective on the importance of establishing an African hub in forensic science. However, the African forensic science sector is still fragmented. The theme chosen for the AFSA inaugural conference: “Forensic Science Ecosystem in Africa” reflects our ambition to design the first forensic science map of Africa. I encourage you to explore the draft programme, register and submit your abstracts as soon as possible.

Rwanda stands out as a top choice for hosting international conferences: it offers simplified visa process, multitude of flight options in and out of Africa, broad hospitality choice and world-class venues. The country is also known for its sightseeing tours that will make your stay a memorable adventure.

Enjoy AFSA2024. Enjoy Kigali and the beautiful land of a thousand hills.

Let's Meet in Rwanda

AFSA2024 Programme

Monday, 23 Sep 2024


Tuesday, 24 Sep 2024


Tuesday, Evening

Registration & Opening Cocktail

Wednesday, 25 Sep 2024


Thursday, 26 Sep 2024


Thursday, Evening

AFSA AGM for members

Friday, 27 Sep 2024


Friday, Evening

Closing Ceremony & Gala

Important Deadlines

Conference & Workshop Registration


Until 30 Jun 2024


31 Jun to 31 Aug 2024

Late & onsite

01 Sep until end of conference
Abstract Submission
Open until 30 Aug 2024
Feedback by 03 Sept 2024

Contact Us

events [at] AFSA.Africa