Online Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 Aug 2024

Please note that no abstract submitted after this deadline will be considered. Abstract can be submitted prior to registration for the conference.

Abstracts can be submitted in either English or French with the presentation/poster text in the same language as the abstract. Please note that if an abstract is submitted in French, the title should also be provided in English.
Abstracts should adhere to the formatting guidelines as outlined below. Please download the abstract template in Word format here.

Conference Sub-themes

Indicate in which of the conference sub-themes you wish to submit your abstract. If you submit more than one abstract, select one sub-theme per abstract. Please note that the organising committee may move your abstract to another sub-theme if appropriate.

  • Forensic Science Ecosystem
  • Legal & Law Enforcement
  • Collaboration & Networking
  • Education & Training
  • Biology
  • Seized Drugs & Toxicology
  • Trace Evidence
  • Physics & Pattern Interpretation
  • Scene Examination
  • Medicine
  • Digital & Multimedia

Abstract Format

When submitting an abstract it should adhere to the following abstract formatting guidelines.

  • Title (Font 12, Arial, bold)
    1. Presentations in English: only submit a title in English
    2. Presentations in French: please submit a title in French and in English
  • Author(s) : First Name/Given Name* followed by your LAST NAME* (Font 11, Arial, bold)
    NOTE: Please write your first name in Title Case and your last name in CAPITALS.
  • Organization/Affiliation, Country (Font 10, Arial)
  • Keywords: List 3 Keywords (Font 10, Arial)
  • Email: Presenting author's email (Font 10, Arial)

The body of the abstract is limited to 400 words (excluding headings/authors/affiliations).
Please include the following sections in your abstract if applicable:

  1. Background/Purpose,
  2. Objective
  3. Methods
  4. Results
  5. Conclusion

  • Abstracts must be written in English or French (if you prefer to submit in French, please also give a short summary of your abstract in English in an additional 100 words. French abstract will thus have a word limit of 500 words)
  • Use single spacing of lines, with no space before and after lines
  • Font: Arial size 11
  • Set paper size to A4 format with 20mm margins on four sides
  • Do not write page numbers on the pages

Please note that AFSA | RFI reserves the right to print any of the above information that is submitted on your abstract.

Abstract submissions are CLOSED